
شراكتنا – الصابون

دورة إنتاج الصابون صابون طبيعي برائحة اللفندر والبابونج والكركم والجاردينيا والشبه والقهوة والحليب والعسل وجديدنا البقدونس السبت 5/12

فرحة طفل

احتفال لجنة فرحة طفل بيوم الطفل العالمي

شراكتنا – المخللات

دورة المخللات وزراعة الأعشاب الطبية قسم الأساسي الصف الرابع ... السبت 17/10 ...و السبت 24/10

مسيرة الربيع

برعاية معالي العين المهندس منير صوبر ستنطلق مسيرة الربيع يوم الجمعة 13\5 من الجمعية الخيرية الشركسية المركز الساعة ال 4:00 مساءً . وتبدأ فعاليات المهرجان في المدرسة الساعة 5:30  وتستمر حتى الساعة 10:00 مساءً.

حفل فرقة ألبروز

قصر الثقافة مدينة الحسين للشباب, عمان, Jordan

تحت رعاية سمو الأمير هاشم بن الحسين المعظم وبمناسبة إحتفالات المملكة بعيد الإستقلال ومئوية الثورة العربية الكبرى ,تقدم فرقة ألبروز عرضها المميز ( Nostalgia ) على مسرح قصر الثقافة بمدينة الحسين للشباب يوم الخميس الموافق 26\5\2016 الساعة الثامنة مساء. أسعار التذاكر : درجة الشرف البلاتينية  100 دينار . الدرجة الأولى الذهبية    50 دينار . […]

Evidence of that influence can be

Evidence of that influence can be seen at the Statehouse. A bill by the Senate president pro tem to ban any new wind farms in the eastern half of the state was quickly scuttled in the House. When state Rep. The former problem is remedied with fossil fuel fertilizer; the latter is remedied not at […]

People trust storing their loyalty

People trust storing their loyalty cards and discount coupons in a mobile wallet, but when it comes to money or digital house keys, they will take a big step back, the PwC report says. Their main concerns are theft and loss of access, such as when their phone loses battery power or hits a technical […]

The thin original and spicy sauces

The thin original and spicy sauces lead with tart acidity and an interesting celery seed addition, and the spicy option doesn't go too far even with its ghost chili infusion. The heavier bourbon and java launch from a deep molasses base, the latter leading with elements of dark chocolate bitterness more than coffee and ending […]

Trade feelers are constantly

Some. Trade feelers are constantly being sent back and forth, and a team will want to make sure it wants to take the player and not make the trade, or work on a better offer, before making anything official. Players at different positions can have equal or near equal grades as well, and in that […]

It almost didn’t matter what the

It almost didn't matter what the program was. Each had the compelling signature music, sometimes just single musical notes, the voices with their sense of urgency, the suspense, the climax, the scripting formula. I also remember the screech of car tires in chase scenes. DEAR GOT A SECRET: Maintaining one's privacy is not lying. Because […]